Recently, an IRF (International Religious Freedom) Summit took place in Washington, D.C. from June 28th to 30th - with several hotspots as key topics of discussion. One of the countries generating particular concern is Pakistan. The country has been previously designated as a CPC (Country of Particular Concern)…
Pakistani police from multiple provinces and domestic intelligence agencies and counter-terrorism department have dismantled an Islamic State cell linked to both IS in Wilayah Khorasan (ISKP) and IS in Wilayah Pakistan (ISPP) in a cross-country operation that took place in Rawalpindi and Peshawar.
The surge in communal violence has sparked concern among many in India who fear the country is becoming more polarised than ever along communal lines. For many, the blame should be directed toward the ruling right-wing party Bharatiya Janata Party, led by the prime minister, Narendra Modi.
When USCIRF (United States Commission on International Religious Freedom) released its 2022 report last month, one of the countries that were recommended for the Special Watch List (SWL) was Indonesia.
On the 14th of June, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto met with President of Iran Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi. He conveyed the greetings of the Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif, who was not present and invited him to visit Pakistan at his earliest convenience - a reiteration of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's invitation in April to Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi to visit Islamabad.
An event celebrating the International Yoga Day that was being held in a football stadium in Maldives capital turned violent and chaotic after a charged Islamist mob entered the stadium and attacked the participants, which also included many Indians, on Tuesday.
The new United States ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome, a career member of the senior foreign service with the rank of Minister-Counselor, arrived in Islamabad to take charge on May 23. “Ambassador Donald Blome began his assignment at the United States Embassy in Islamabad today,” said a statement…
In the latest incident of its kind, two men working in Iran’s aerospace industry have died in separate incidents while on active duty, according to Iranian state media. The Markazi province branch of the sanctioned Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp’s (IRGC) announced in a statement on Sunday that Ali…
Islamists in Pakistan have expressed outrage over a recent tweet by the United States embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, which expressed support for LGBTQI+ rights. The U.S. embassy in Pakistan made the tweet on May 17th, which is celebrated in the progressive world as the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and…