06 Apr

In a pivotal diplomatic visit to Washington, South Africa's Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, sought to mend fences amidst recent tensions with the United States. Reflecting on the strained relationship, Minister Pandor remarked on the unfortunate repercussions faced by South Africa due to differing ideologies. Emphasizing South Africa's robust democracy, she highlighted contrasting sentiments between the US Executive Branch and Congress, particularly regarding freedom of religion. As discussions unfolded, concerns emerged over proposed legislation in both nations, underscoring the delicate balance between policy, governance, and individual freedoms.

14 Mar

This paper discusses three instances wherein a nation deployed extra-judicial means to eliminate threats, resulting in backlash for operational failures and, surprisingly, even in cases of operational success. The article explores the significance of these events as a lesson for India, especially in light of the ongoing Indo-Canadian dispute.

21 Feb

The reports that the American Private Military Company Bancroft was having conversations with President Toudene of the Central African Republic regarding a potential move into the country.