15 May

The U.S.-Pakistan Counterterrorism Dialogue, co-chaired by Ambassador Elizabeth Richard from the U.S. Department of State and Ambassador Syed Haider Shah from Pakistan, highlights the ongoing and prospective cooperation between the two nations in addressing regional and global security challenges, specifically the threats posed by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and ISIS-Khorasan.

13 Feb

When the Taliban took power in Kabul in August 2021, many countries in the world expressed grave concern for the citizens of Afghanistan whose fate was sealed under the rule of a terrorist organization. About sixty countries published a joint statement expressing responsibility for human life, and their property, and restoring the Afghan people's sense of security. After about two decades of the Taliban fighting as an opposition to the Afghan government, which enjoyed the support of NATO and the United States, the organization returned to control the poor country and the war-torn country in South Central Asia.

28 Jun

Pakistani police from multiple provinces and domestic intelligence agencies and counter-terrorism department have dismantled an Islamic State cell linked to both IS in Wilayah Khorasan (ISKP) and IS in Wilayah Pakistan (ISPP) in a cross-country operation that took place in Rawalpindi and Peshawar.

15 Jun

The new United States ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome, a career member of the senior foreign service with the rank of Minister-Counselor, arrived in Islamabad to take charge on May 23. “Ambassador Donald Blome began his assignment at the United States Embassy in Islamabad today,” said a statement…